I never spent a lot of time with Patsy but when I did he always struck me as a very generous and gentle soul and a man of great humour. I always did and always will smile when I think of him. God bless you Patsy. Alan
5th March 2018
Pasty Connors, he would correct me now Connor, was a friend and a true Irish Gentleman.
Nothing was to much bother for him, plastering our house in Galton St, clearing a block down waste pipe on Christmas Day and of course advice on the garden.
He loved a game of cards in Mum and Dads House often till the early hours enjoying the craic and a smoke.
He had a voice as gentle and sweet as a dove, it made the hairs on my arms stand up and tears filled my eyes when he sung. With a little drop of Jameson to help him sing another what fun we had.
He also like the old benefit dances and enjoyed clearing the floor, hold tight ladies with a laugh and a grin on his face. The jokes and tails of days gone by.
But as his old song said” time it is a precious thing and time brings all things to my mind”
I can hear Dad saying “What’s happened there Pat”
Patsy will answer “Yes I’m
Good Bless and keep you the end of a Era.
3rd March 2018
We hope that you find this tribute to Patrick a place of comfort, support and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
Sent by MuchLoved on 27/02/2018